Give Back This Season – Donate to the York Street Project

This year, make the needs (not wants!) of families come true. Donate essentials that we often take for granted, but have a huge impact on families who need them. Things like socks, baby medicine, basic toiletries and cleaning supplies, just to name a few.
We are joining the York Street Project (YSP) this year for our 2019 charity drive. YSP is a Jersey City organization that helps women and children break the cycle of poverty. Their holistic care provides food, housing, education, childcare, work placement and more. We urge you to visit their website:
1. Purchase new items via Amazon Smile:
2. Not sure what to give? Donate a Virtual Basket via a $15, $25 or $50 donation:
Please let us know you donated by mentioning you are part of the Liberty Harbor Drive when you check out.
Donations are tax deductible. Please complete the form 8283 for your records and return to York Street Project for a tax receipt.
This Drive will run until the 13th of December.